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Trademark registration

Choosing a memorable, attractive, and original business name is crucial for the growth of your company. Your trademark (TM) is a powerful communication tool that leaves a lasting impression on consumers. It goes beyond just being a word; it can be a shape, an arc, or even a snippet of music, conveying meaning universally. A well-designed trademark speaks volumes about your brand to a global audience, transcending language barriers.

Filing for TM registration is essential to claim exclusive ownership privileges. This symbol informs the public that your registered company holds exclusive rights to the trademark. Vigilance against trademark infringement is necessary, especially from entities with confusingly similar elements. To protect your product or service from copycats, distinguishing your trademark and logo through registration is vital for the success of your business. Safeguarding your branding assets is crucial for long-term success, ensuring that your company stands out and maintains its unique identity in the marketplace.


Patent Registration

Securing patent registration provides a powerful set of rights, offering a strategic advantage in navigating the corporate landscape. When introducing innovative work to the market, the risk of fraudulent activities is a significant concern. The patent act not only shields unique ideas but also elevates the image of rightful owners. Leveraging patent powers and rights enables seamless entry into corporate activities, minimizing legal obstacles.

Efficient patent registration is facilitated by the expertise of Company Secretary C.S. SIVASANKAR & Co, ensuring a distinctive standing for both the company and the patented product on both national and international levels. Upon completion of patent registration, individuals can confidently launch their creative products into the market, enjoying protection against infringement. In case of any unauthorized attempts, legal recourse is available, allowing the aggrieved party to seek justice through appropriate legal channels.


Design Registration

Unique designs play a crucial role as valuable intellectual property for businesses. Securing these aesthetic designs is not only profitable but also enhances competitiveness across various economic sectors. We specialize in design registration, covering all relevant fields, including 2D and 3D dimensions.
Our exclusive design registration services are provided by the experienced team at Company Secretary C.S. SIVASANKAR & Co. Adhering to India's design law, our services are known for their elegance, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. As a reputable law firm, we offer world-class design registration services, ensuring a swift and affordable process.


Copyright Registration

Copyright is a form of intellectual property rights granted to authors, protecting various creative works such as Literary, Musical, Dramatic, Artistic, Cinematographic Films, and Sound Recordings. This protection acknowledges the significant intellectual efforts invested in creating these works, granting creators exclusive rights for commercial exploitation. Copyright can be sought for a wide range of creations, from books and paintings to technology-based works like computer programs. Although copyright automatically comes into existence upon creation, registering it provides additional protection for original artistic and creative works. In India, copyright registration is accessible regardless of the work's style, quality, or literary merit. For instance, having a great plot for a friendship-based story doesn't secure copyright until it's transformed into a written manuscript or a cinematographic film. Obtaining copyright registration is advisable to safeguard your creative endeavors.